Friday, December 21, 2007

Move It Over, Please!

In this article from the Lloydminster Merdian Booster, Canadian rescue workers have been asking the motoring public to give them some space, but no one seems to be listening.
Both Saskatchewan and Alberta have laws forcing drivers to slow down to 60 kilometers per hour when passing emergency vehicles such as ambulances, fire trucks, rescue vehicles and tow trucks. Despite an Alberta government radio campaign and signs posted along the Yellowhead, including one right outside of Lloydminster, it seems many motorists are not getting the message.
“There are a lot of people I come across who don’t know to slow down to 60 km an hour,” said Const. Harry Therrien of the Kitscoty RCMP.
Education isn’t the only problem. Police often have a difficult time enforcing the law, especially when there’s only one patrol car on scene where the officer is busy attending to the injured and carrying out their investigation.
Read the full story here.

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