Friday, December 11, 2009

Everday TX Tow Hero Helps Save Christmas

Here's the story from the Houston Chronicle:

Sheriff's deputies arrested a 16-year-old boy for following a postal carrier on a northwest Houston route and stealing mail left in boxes, specifically targeting Christmas cards containing cash.

Neighbors in the 3600 block of Cypresswood reported the suspicious teen. Wrecker driver Tracy Clark heard the radio call and subdued the boy before deputies handcuffed him.

Clark said the boy swung and hit him in the face during their struggle.

"I hit him, and he went down the ground," Clark said.

Authorities are trying to figure out how much he stole, which could determine whether he is charged with a misdemeanor or a felony.

1 comment:

Winter Auto and Towing said...

Nice to hear some good news this time of year. Hopefully the victims all manage to recover their cards and money!